Sweetcorn harvest well underway. We have about 8 or 9 in the freezer and have eaten about the same number.
We grew the variety Swift, an F1. Sown in plug trays 14 March in greenhouse on the propagator; planted out last week of April in a 5 by 5 block. The wind got two rows so we were left with a 3 by 5 block.
We covered it with fleece a two or three nights in May when the forecast was still and clear. Used a few chopped-off canes about 30 - 40cm high with plastic mushroom caps spaced among the plants to support the fleece.
They were watered well with a soaker dribble host so the soil never really dried out. A few hand-fulls of Growmore, perhaps 100g applied before setting the plants out and again in May.